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英国护理学作业代写 禁用药物

特朗普总统宣布阿片类药物危机是公共卫生紧急事件,这一声明显然与前总统里根1982年10月14日的禁毒战争产生了共鸣。此外,在这些总统之前的前总统尼克松也承认,药物滥用是一个公共卫生问题。然而,在我看来,前总统巴拉克·奥巴马关于解决毒品滥用问题的策略是站得住脚的。奥巴马总统颁布的《平价医疗法案》为施虐者带来了希望。“平价医疗法案(ACA)鼓励初级保健医生将成瘾治疗纳入他们的实践。它向全国各地的数百个社区卫生中心(其中许多位于农村地区)提供了赠款,以开始或扩大精神卫生和药物辅助治疗的范围。这是一个很大的进步,以前的治疗通常是通过分散的、资金不足的独立诊所进行的。ACA提供机会和增加获得公共卫生保险的机会,并鼓励服务一体化。这对于得不到充分服务的人群来说尤其重要,因为他们面临许多获取AHS的障碍,导致在获取所需服务方面存在差异。” 。特朗普总统和他的整个政权正在与新泽西州州长克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)一起解决毒瘾和阿片类药物滥用问题,克里斯蒂是特朗普阿片类药物委员会的主席。然而,特朗普政府概述的行动并没有确切地解决少数群体的不平等和不平等.

英国护理学作业代写 禁用药物

President Trump announced that the opioid crisis was a public health emergency and this announcement clearly resonates with Former president Ronald Regan’s war on drugs on October fourteen, 1982. Also, former President Nixon who preceded these presidents also acknowledged that drug abuse is a public health issue. However, from my standpoint of view, Former President Barack Obama’s strategy regarding drug abuse solution is what holds water. The Affordable Care Act promulgated by President Obama creates avenues for hope for abusers. “The Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages primary care doctors to incorporate addiction treatment into their practices. It provided grants to several hundred community health centres around the country, many in rural areas, to begin or expand mental health and medication-assisted treatment, which combines counselling and drugs like Suboxone. This is a big improvement from the days when treatment typically was offered through scattered, poorly funded stand-alone clinics. ACA provides opportunities and increased access to public health insurance and encourages service integration. This is particularly critical for underserved populations that face numerous barriers to accessing AHS, resulting in disparities in access to needed services” . President Trump and his entire regime are addressing the drug addiction and opioid abuse alongside New Jersey’s Gov. Chris Christie who is chairing Trump’s opioid commission. However, the actions outlined by President Trump’s administration does not exactly address the disparities and inequities of minorities

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