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英国论文代写 留学生论文代写的必要性



这个世界上最高端,最顶尖的东西都是让你感受不到其存在,而我们目前虽然还达不到,但也在这条路上不断的探索,创新,Essay1st 2009年成立至今,我们的座右铭只有一条,“让更多出海在外的留学生,能够享受年轻所带来的快乐,而非因作业、论文而导致烦闷、苦恼”。我们这里有最强的写手团队,有最尖端的数据分析、无论是任何条件任何形式的作业都能够以最高效、最快速、最规范交付到您手上。说一千道一万,也并非能够让您释然心中的些许疑惑,所以请您给予我们Essay 1st代写一次机会,让我们用成绩来代表千言万语,也同样给您自己一个机会,让青春飞扬!





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英国论文代写分享 50个独特的Essay主题

给了很多机会来研究不同的论文以及如何写作。 在学术界,每篇论文都有其目的和价值。 默认情况下,它们都为需要完善其写作技能的美国学生提供了训练场,而并不取决于他们的大学。 散文也是表达思想的好方法。 因此,应仔细选择相应的主题。英国essay代写

Education Essay Topics
Sexual Abuse of Students in the US

Stricter measures should be enforced for offenders.
Students should get a constant orientation on how to say ‘No.’
Intensified screening for newly-employed teachers in the sector.
Problem of Violence in Schools

Better enforcement of security.
Teaching self-defense.
Ban on gun possession in American schools.
Poor Grades Problem

A more individualized approach to working with every student.
Creating time and space for additional explanations.
Reviewing results per session and finding new ways to get students into understanding the subject.
Bullying Issue
Ways Out

Topic on educating learners about dangers of bullying.
Working with parents to keep children in the best behavior.
Discouraging any form of bullying, no matter how insignificant.
Poor Teaching Quality Problem

Additional training for teachers before they commence teaching.
Regular assessment to be completed by all teachers.
Educating teachers on knowing their teaching strengths.
Poor Attendance of Classes Problem

Encouraging teachers to initiate home visits to affected students.
Stimulating parents to take an active part in their children’s studies. They should also be accommodating to teachers who need to make home visits.
Creating attractive incentives that will motivate students to attend classes regularly.
Family and Relations Essay Topics
Domestic Violence Issue

Topic on educating women on self-defense.
Educating men on the dangers of domestic violence especially for kids.
Working hand-in-hand with various counseling organizations across the US.
Problem of Poor Socioeconomic Situation
Ways Out

Empowering families to become independent income owners.
Creating relief programs would help.
Discussing all available relief program options for these sets of people.
Lack of Time for Children

Choosing fewer problematic jobs that allow one more availability at home.
Going to the games with your kids; cheering and supporting their efforts.
Putting away all one is doing at a particular time to answer any doubts the kids might have.
Problem of Favoritism

Serious topic on parents treating their kids equally.
Never making a show of doting on one more than others.
Give each ward the same reward for jobs well done.
Lack of Respect in Family

Do not argue as guardians in front of younger children.
Be mindful of your language even when you are angry with your partner.
Show respect for young and old family members alike.




















































论文是一种文学作品,表达某种思想,主张或概念,并以支持性陈述作为后盾。 它将遵循一种逻辑模式,包括一个引言部分(提出要求),正文(支持)和结论(陈述和支持的摘要)。


谨慎选择主题。 如果您想知道如何写一篇短文,那么您应该注意,它必须针对非常具体的主题。 您要追求的是一致性,其次才是影响力。 因此,您应该选择一个本质上非常专业的主题。 避免使用诸如“苏联共产党”之类的话题,这种话题范围之广,而应避免使用诸如“苏联共产党在斯大林晚年时期的女性观点”之类的话题。 这是一个易于管理的主题。

设置参数。 这意味着您知道哪些信息是相关的,哪些信息应包括在内。 例如,在研究斯大林时代的女性问题时,应专注于苏联关于女性问题的陈述。 这可能不包括医疗保健支出或儿童生活问题,但肯定会包括第二次世界大战杀死数百万人后苏联经济所面临的问题。 换句话说,确保您的研究不仅集中在一个连贯且具体的主题上,而且要知道哪些因素将直接影响该问题,而哪些因素将间接影响该问题。 对于短文,仅关注那些直接影响主题领域的内容。

写一个大纲。 您在这里所做的是创建“填充空白”结构。 一旦完成对主题的研究,请写出由研究决定的大纲,而不是您自己对主题的看法。 从论文陈述,基本论据,论据本身和结论开始。 根据主题,包括其他人所说的内容也很重要。 在很短的文章中,可以将其消除。

编写初稿并让其他人阅读,尤其是对主题一无所知并因此没有先入为主的观点的人。 认真对待这个人的批评。

编写第二稿,它可能是也可能不是最终稿。 假设您已经清楚地解释了您的研究发现,那么您在这里寻找的就是连贯性。 引言部分包含您的论文的简短摘要,自然而然地引向第二和第三段,其中第二段和第三段更详细地论述了本论文及其重要性。 您的论文正文应详细阐述您的证据,应该自然而然地来自论文陈述,而不能超出其范围。


写一个结论,其内容与您的前几段内容有所不同,但现在向读者发表演讲,因为他知道您想要展示的内容。 所有这些都必须围绕或遵循您的论文陈述。


学生在撰写Essay时面临问题的情况并不少见。 即使这些学生有足够的大学经验,他们也会发现很难处理Essay,因为他们需要使用成千上万的单词和相关信息来定义特定的主题。

作为一名学生,您可能会面临同样的困难,而且很有可能您必须寻找可以为您提供某种帮助的人。 作为领先的作业代写提供者,我们团队了解Essay在学生的学术生活中的重要性。 本文是为寻求某种帮助的学生而专门编写的 ,以便他们可以撰写完美的Essay并获得良好的成绩。论文代写

Keep calm and understand the question
首先,您需要确保保持冷静,不要仅看问题就不会感到压力。 如果您感到压力重重和焦虑不安,那么对您而言,任务就会变得更加艰巨,因为担心会阻碍思想的流动,使您无法正确思考。

一旦让自己平静下来,就准备好应对自己的任务。 阅读并重新阅读该问题,直到您理解每一个单词,然后进行研究工作。

Search for relevant
大多数作者认为,研究工作和分析是学术写作中最复杂的步骤。 由于这是一个漫长而繁琐的过程,并且互联网上可用信息的过多只会使情况变得更糟,因此学生经常担心作业写作的这一特定部分。

但是,为了成功完成作业写作,您需要表现出对工作的奉献和热情。 确保您有足够的时间进行研究,并且在搜索信息时不遗余力。

Do not be afraid of the writing proce
当您的教授为您的Essay分配一千个单词的任务时,得知学生感到压力过大和焦虑就不足为奇了。 但是,这不是理想或正确的思维方式,这种态度将无济于事。 不要害怕单词计数,因为这些仅仅是单词。 一旦您清楚地理解了问题和逻辑,就可以轻松地回答问题并用精心表达的方式表达自己。

Do not compromise quality for quantity
作业写作不只是要把您的想法写在纸上。 这也与使您的作业全面而完整有关。 格式化,引用,确保无窃内容等对于任何分配也至关重要。 因此,在保持字数统计的同时,不要忘记确保作业及其其他方面的语法准确性。

历史毕业论文代写 40个有吸引力的History Dissertation主题分享

历史毕业论文代写 40个有吸引力的History Dissertation主题分享 .为使您的工作变得轻松,下面列出了40个引人入胜的History Dissertation主题,可帮助您精心撰写一篇完美的论文。英国论文代写 需要了解一下吗?

Elaborate on the primary cause of the Crimean war.
Provide a comparative analysis on the differences between Napoleon III’s ‘authoritarian’ system of government, with those of his predecessors on the throne.
Elucidate on the major aspects of Napoleon III’s social and economic policies and how did they consolidated his power.
Offer an insight into the biggest issues encountered by the newly formed Italian government after the unification and also on the measures taken by them to resolve those issues.
Assess the crucial role played by Garibaldi in the wake of Italian Unification.
Elucidate on the impact of the unification of Italy have on the functions of the Vienna system.
Present your opinions on how Napoleon III’s legacy has influenced the relations in Europe post his demise.
Discuss the definitive principles behind Napoleon III’s foreign policy.
Evaluate the reasons Napoleon III’s legacy is perceived to be negative by many critics and historians, even after his innumerable social and political achievements.
Elaborate on numerous social factors that had a significant contribution in the Italian Unification. Emphasize on one such factor that played the most crucial role, in your opinion.
Which aspect was more significant when it comes to the Italian Unification, foreign policy or economics? Provide a comprehensive idea on the topic.
Evaluate the role that Guiseppe Mazzini had played as the driving force behind Italian Unification.
Elaborate on the reason German unification essential for the then European society.
Provide a general understanding of how the events occurring in and around the rest of the world resulted in the outbreak of the Great War in Europe.
Elaborate on the reasons why there were so much rivalry and unrest amongst the European countries in the early twentieth century, and how did these reasons culminate in the World War I.
Offer an insight into the issues encountered by Lloyd George’s government as the subsequent impact of the World War I. And also explain how these issues were resolved.
Select one prominent event and explain why that could be the defining moment that resulted in the downfall of Mussolini.
Elucidate on the drawbacks of the previous governments that paved the way for the fascist rule in Italy.
Provide an understanding on the concept of ‘totalitarianism’. Explain how ‘totalitarian’ was Mussolini’s regime.
What, in your opinion, was Hitler trying to accomplish when the Germans invaded Poland in 1939.
Discuss the nature of military operations in the ancient world with reference from Macedonian Wars, Punic Wars, and the wars against Antiochus III the Great.
Elucidate on the reasons behind the expansion of Rome.
offer a detailed analysis on the major legal practices and principles in Rome.
Some historians believe the origin of entrepreneurship happened in ancient Mesopotamia. Do you agree with this theory? Provide your insights on the topic.
Provide an analysis on the origins of Vedic culture and on the definitive role of the Indo-Aryan migration in its development.
Can the ancient Roman economy be treated as the market economy? Offer solid evidences along with your arguments.
Analyze the depiction of the medieval historical ideologies in the views of Niccolo Machiavelli.
Elucidate on the ideologies and thoughts of Jean Calvin in the development of Christianity.
Elucidate on the psychological and social attributes of the medieval era that was reflected in the compositions of Durer and Bosch.
Explain the phenomenon of Utopian ideologies as part of the medieval era.
Discuss the importance of migration to the formation and growth of urban centres in the period 1700 – 1801.
Elaborate on the primary issues faced by the Soviet society after the demise of Lenin, and how Stalin attempted to resolve them.
Discuss the extent to which the World War I was directly responsible to the inability of the government to address the Great Depression.
Elaborate on the policies of the European government to resolve the ‘The Great Depression’ and also focus on what they achieved to control its impact.
Provide a detailed analysis on why the great powers of Europe were successful at controlling the Balkan crises of 1912 and 1913, but couldn’t stop this issue further escalating into a Great war in 1914.
Evaluate the strategic effect of the Battle of the Marne (1914).
Critically analyze the argument that German Unification was predominantly a practice of Prussian Nationalism.
Thoroughly define the contribution of Bismarck in the German Unification.
Provide a comprehensive analysis on the numerous failed attempts at making peace with regards to the Crimean War.
Present a detailed analysis on the consequences of the Crimean War.

英国留学生写作 如何编写Process Essay

开始撰写Process Essay,但不知道从哪里开始? 查看我们富有洞察力和智慧的技巧,这些技巧将帮助您将文章变成清晰,翔实和简洁的杰作。

Process Essay是一种学术著作,旨在解释如何做某事,它是方法文档的一种变体,它提供了有关如何逐步执行特定程序的明确说明。需要代写essay

好,现在我们已经介绍了基础知识,是时候继续研究一些严肃的东西了,这本身就是文章的写作。 但是,在详细解释每个步骤之前,您需要为目标受众提供时间估算和任务摘要。 这很重要,因为这样他们将确切知道下一步将要做什么以及将花费多少时间。

在编写Process Essay并确保您的说明简洁明了之后,请花一些时间对它进行校对,以消除各种语法,标点和拼写错误(如有)。 请记住,这里的首要目标是向读者提供易于遵循的说明,例如,煮米饭或穿衣服时,可以使用这些说明。

除了简单的Process Essay定义之外,还需要什么? 查看我们的技巧,这些技巧显示了如何逐步编写Process Essay并将您的写作提高到一个全新的水平:

拿一张纸并在其中心画一条线。 在左栏中写下您需要的材料/成分,在右栏中写下要遵循的步骤。
集思广益。 进行研究并列出您将要使用的大量材料。 另外,制定一个简短的计划,以帮助您整理思想。
编好所有步骤。 通过弄清楚文章开头应该遵循的内容,可以使自己的生活更轻松。
写一个介绍性的部分。 解释论文的主要主题并列出您将使用的材料。 阅读介绍性句子后,听众应该确切地知道论文的主要目标是什么。
正文段落。 在第一段中列出您将使用的材料,然后在后续段落中继续提供说明。 底线。 您在这里的主要目标是重申主题的重要性,并向听众介绍您的工作成果。
现在,我们已经涵盖了编写Process Essay所涉及的必要步骤,让我们集中精力使它的某些部分更具吸引力和魅力。

How to Deal With the Body Paragraphs and Conclusion?
我们已经解决了这个问题,并提供了一些有用的技巧来撰写Process Essay,这将使您的身体段落变得非常有趣。 因此,在着手撰写Process Essay之前,您应该确定目标受众是谁,并使用适当的语言。 例如,如果您为科学界撰写文章,则应使用适当的词汇,而如果您编写有关如何烘烤蛋糕的说明,则应使用更简单的短语。

您也不应该忘记过渡词,因为它们的主要目的是鼓励目标读者继续阅读您的文章。 此外,如果您还包括一些过渡性短语,那么他们阅读您的论文就会更容易。

在创建Process Essay结论时,您不应添加任何新想法,而应只专注于得出结论,而将所有不相关的内容都排除在外。

一篇essay的结构应该是怎样的 了解写作结构才是关键

大多数学生不知道文章的正确结构是什么样,这就是为什么他们的写作技巧有很多不足之处的原因。 他们通常面临的主要问题与论文中包含太多结构不良的信息有关。 这就是为什么学习如何组织它可以帮助他们有效地组织思想并使其论文易于阅读的原因。 能够提出适当的结构也可以解决您教师的挑战性要求。英国论文代写

Paragraph Organization
几乎所有的学生都知道所谓的“五段结构”,这是他们的老师在教授论文写作基础时首先向他们介绍的。 尽管它是基本结构,但在大学中通常很少使用,因为所有论文通常都由引言,正文和结论三部分组成。

每个学生都应该知道,所有论文类型的基本论文结构都是相同的,无论是说服性论文,叙述性论文还是描述性论文。 因此,一篇结构较差的论文几乎不会给您的老师留下深刻的印象,您甚至可能最终失去宝贵的成绩。 好的论文论文应该读起来像一个非同寻常的故事,并有适当的介绍,正文和结论。 此示例具有良好的标准结构:


Essay Introduction
作为文章的第一段,引言让读者了解其主题以及您对此的看法。 开篇应包含论文陈述,论文陈述可以长达两到三个句子,其中包括论文中提出的要点和/或论点的摘要。 您撰写导言的方式将帮助读者确定他们是继续阅读本文,还是只是就此停下来。 因此,了解您要写作的受众的类型至关重要,因为这样您就可以提出引人注目的论文陈述,并立即引起他们的注意。

Body Paragraphs Structure
如果学生选择采用五段式结构,则需要确保其论文中包含三个正文段。 如果是分配了五页或更多页的论文的大专或大学生,则段落数可以相应地更高。

引言和结论之间的段落通常是本文的主体。 您应该确保将主体划分为结构部分,例如副标题和段落,以使它看起来不那么簇状并使读者感到困惑。 为实现这一目标,应牢记一些简单的规则,例如:

在文章的第二段中,您可以从第一段中介绍的主题平稳过渡,从而使读者更容易理解您的关键思想。 无缝过渡概念也适用于其余所有段落。 但是,每个观点都应有证据支持,例如实例,研究结果或统计数据。

Essay Conclusion Paragraph
结论是本文的最后一段,向读者提供了您工作中提出的要点的摘要。 您不应该在这里介绍任何新想法,而应以避免重复并引起听众无聊的方式重述论文陈述。 写得好的结论将使读者对论文有最好的印象,因此不要试图仓促行事,因为这样可能会破坏整篇论文。 提出最后一段的粗略建议是一个好主意,它将使您消除最终产品中任何剩余的矛盾之处和重复之处。


引文或参考书目是论点结构中必不可少的部分,该论点在结论之后,并陈述了您所引用的所有材料。 如果您的论文有直接引号,释义引号或其他来源的内容,引文是必不可少的,因此,不应忽略。 请记住,除非您添加适当的引文,否则您可能会因抄袭而受到处罚,甚至会因提交一篇参考文献不足而失去成绩。 如果教师的要求中说明了一种特定的格式,则您需要确保您认真遵守该格式,因为不遵守该格式可能会导致非常不愉快的后果。 如果未指定格式,请选择任何易于使用的常用格式,并相应地格式化纸张。


定量方法强调通过问卷,民意调查和调查收集数据的客观测量和统计或数值评估。英国essay代写 你需要吗?

这类研究Essay着重于收集数据并将其归纳为不同类别的人群。 不过在那之前,你必须知道它是用来实验的还是用来描述的,这可能会影响你如何收集,评估和解释结果。

对各位学生来说,这过程好像是有点可怕了。现在知道为什么我们团队要提供一个指南,来帮你详细介绍如何进行研究的原因吧。 下面,我们为您列出了相关的定量研究主题列表。


Evaluate the immigration policy of your country and its neighbours. Determine how they are similar or different from each other
Discuss the impact of the loss of net neutrality on the netizens with appropriate quantitative analysis
The implementation of employee wellness program enhances productivity
Analyse the impact of China’s one child policy
Will artificial intelligence pose a threat to employment opportunities? Discuss with proper quantitative analysis
Do Smartphones decrease or increase productivity at work? Provide in-depth quantitative analysis
Examine the phenomenon of deforestation in your country with appropriate quantitative research
What is the relation between motivation and ageing? Define with proper quantitative analysis
Should poverty alleviation be a corporate concern? Provide quantitative research
Discuss the prevalence of gender stereotypes at workplace in the last two decades with proper quantitative analysis
Prepare a quantitative analysis of inter-racial marriages and their impact on the tolerance to discrimination
Discuss the impact of technology in classroom learning. Offer detailed quantitative analysis along with your answer
Adopting a flexible approach to impart education will help students to perform better. Provide quantitative analysis with your answer
Can the internet alter the perceptions of reality? Elaborate on your argument with proper quantitative research
Is a standardised classroom assessment effective in determining the students’ skills and awareness?
Does technology make people lazy? Provide a detailed quantitative analysis
Can robots and artificial intelligence be more evolved than human beings? Offer a quantitative analysis
Does the prevalence of cryptocurrency pose the threat of identity theft? Analyse with proper quantitative research
Social media is the biggest reason for the death of face-to-face interactions
Analyse how the severity of natural disasters has elevated in the last couple of decades
Does social media trigger mental health issues? Discuss with ample quantitative data
Are low-fat diets more effective than low-carb diets for weight loss?
The population control policies of your country and its impact on the masses
Are today’s children smarter than their predecessors? Elucidate with appropriate quantitative data
The contribution of media in the altered perceptions of beauty
Should the education system of your country be more focused on skill-based learning?
Elaborate on the relationship between racial intolerance and hate crimes
Is the process of e-governance bridging the gap between people and the government?
Ecommerce has transformed the shopping experience of consumers. Elaborate with quantitative data
The impact of social media in propagating cybercrime. Provide quantitative data along with your answer
The phenomenon of gun violence and mass shootings on campuses have increased in recent times. Offer your insights through quantitative research
Does the dependence on digital devices deprive us of our privacy? Elaborate with adequate quantitative data
Has the awareness against domestic violence lessened its impact in the last decade? Elaborate with proper quantitative analysis
Do imposing parental controls really prevent children from consuming inappropriate content on the internet?
Is education today more commercially driven? Elucidate with proper quantitative analysis
The impact of cloud technology in the process of data storage. Provide relevant quantitative data along with your answer
Alternative sources of energy can help preserve the earth’s natural resources. Present your insights with appropriate quantitative data
Is the process of “reduce, reuse, recycle” being implemented properly by businesses? Provide examples and quantitative data
Should fast food chains be blamed for propagating obesity? Elucidate with pertinent quantitative research
Does the internet have a role in instigating violence among children? Analyse with proper quantitative analysis
Can alternative medicines prevent the onset of terminal illness? Elucidate with quantitative research
Determine the connection between emotional stability and physical wellness
Describe the phenomenon of reverse discrimination with pertinent quantitative research
Drunk driving has claimed more lives than diseases. Analyse with appropriate quantitative analysis
How does climate change affect animals? Present your opinion with relevant quantitative
Describe the phenomenon of the persecution of alternative lifestyles with appropriate quantitative research
Have the efforts towards prison reforms met with a favourable outcome? Provide your answer with quantitative analysis
How has stress affected the physical wellbeing of people in the last five years? Elucidate with proper quantitative analysis
Does social media have a defining role in bringing positive social change?
The rise of citizen journalism in the era of social media. Offer your insights with relevant quantitative research
Is the stigma related to STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease) still prevalent? Present your views with proper quantitative research
Continuous texting leads to lack of proper language skills. Discuss
Are we too dependent on internet search engines? Present your observations based on quantitative research
The impact of diversity on workplace environment
Gun ownership should be strictly monitored. Provide adequate quantitative data along with your answer
Spying on children: Infringement of privacy or safety precautions?
Does the world need ethical hackers? Provide your answer with sufficient quantitative research
The use of digital media in crime investigation
Should the government take more stringent measures to conserve water? Describe with proper quantitative data
Does the internet make it easier to steal intellectual property? Present your views with proper quantitative analysis
Is the media driven by sensationalism? Offer your observations based on quantitative research
Is competitiveness among peers a bad thing? Present quantitative data with your answer
Why do most marriages fail in recent times? Provide quantitative analysis
Digital marketing has transformed business processes for the better
Social media is the most potent marketing channel
The rise of micro-influencers in the digital era
How does maintaining a positive work culture influence employee efficiency?
Mobile devices have changed how marketing processes are carried out
Should educational institutions teach leadership skills? Provide your answer with sufficient quantitative data
Does Search Engine Optimisation limit the scope of content marketing? Elucidate with proper quantitative analysis
Are developed countries more vulnerable to racial discrimination?
How does nutritional therapy help in mental disorders? Provide your answer based on quantitative research